Monday, 30 December 2019

Man gets reconstruct tongue after losing it to cancer

Entire tongue reconstruction of a 53-yr man from Ambala Cantt who was suffering from recurrent tongue cancer has been done at Alchemist Hospital Panchkula successfully recently.
The patient was earlier operated for tongue cancer in which half portion of the tongue was removed but cancer returned. The patient again admitted with recurrent tongue cancer.
Initially, a total tongue removal surgery was performed by Dr. Kanwarneet Singh, consultant surgical oncology at Alchemist Hospital followed by reconstruction of the tongue by Varun Singla the plastic surgeon.
Talking to media during a press conference here on Thursday, Dr. Kanwarneet Singh said that total tongue with lymph nodes has been removed during surgery.
Dr. Varun told that entire tongue reconstructed with tissues taken from the right thigh instead from an arm in an eight-hour-long extremely complex surgery in which part of the thigh is taken with blood vessels and linked to vessels in the neck for blood supply.
He further informed that the main target of the reconstruction is to swallow and speech rather than taste.
“It was important to make the patient able to swallow after surgery as the spit accumulated in the mouth could be fatal after its possibility of going in windpipe during sleep at night.”
The surgery was very complex as we had to link the blood vessels which are extremely narrow in size. The operating microscope enabled us to link these blood vessels while taking equally precaution in three dimension sizes of reconstruct tongue which over the time reduces in size, maintained Dr Varun.  
The reconstruction was successful and the patient discharged after a week of hospitalization without any complications, he said.
This surgery is recognised internationally as the best and ideal surgery for the tongue as it leaves almost no visible scar and the patient returns to his normal life in the minimum time.

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